Webinar No. 6 - 8 December, 2021: Measurement and strengthening of the EPHF: the experience of countries in the Region of the Americas

The renewed EPHF is part of the stewardship role of health authorities to strengthen and transform health systems towards universal health. This proposal responds to the public health challenges in our region and is framed by the global reference of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and PAHO's regional strategy of universal access to health and universal health coverage.

In 2020, PAHO, in collaboration with the Member States, proposed the revision and renewal of the EPHF approach, reflected in the publication The Essential Public Health Functions in the Americas. A Renewal for the 21st Century. Conceptual framework and description. This renewal was based on the experiences and lessons learned from the regional application and measurement that took place in previous decades, the new and persistent challenges to population health and its social determinants, as well as the new institutional, economic, social, and political conditions that affect the Region implying a more comprehensive vision for public health to face the challenges of the 21st century.

Objective(s) of the meeting: 

As part of the webinar series on the essential public health functions (EPHF), organized by PAHO/HSS and in the framework of Universal Health Day, this webinar seeks to highlight the important country experiences gained during the strengthening and evaluation exercise of the EPHF.

Brief synthesis of the topics: 

  • The evaluation and strengthening of the EPHF. Its implementation in the Region (10 min)
  • Peru's experience in the situation analysis and institutional mapping of the EPHFs (10 min)
  • Intersectorality as a key element of the EPHFs.
  • Overview of El Salvador's Health System: results obtained from implemented policies
  • Measuring institutional capacities in Costa Rica: strengths and challenges
  • Mechanisms to strengthen the Ministry's stewardship: lessons learned from Dominican Republic
  • Development of a situational analysis and institutional mapping as a basis for the EPHF evaluation and strengthening in Bahamas
  • Suriname´s situation analysis: identifying health priorities in the path towards the strengthening of the EPHF
  • The potential of the evaluation and strengthening exercise of the EPHF in the development of St. Kitts & Nevis´ National Strategic Health Plan

Speakers. Brief summary of the curriculum: 

  • Ricardo Melgen, Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance, Dominican Republic.
  • Germán Crespo, Ministry of Health and Sports, Bolivia
  • (TBD) Ministry of Health, Peru
  • (TBD Ministry of Health, El Salvador
  • (TBD) Ministry of Health, Costa Rica
  • (TBD Ministry of Health and Wellness, The Bahamas
  • (TBD) Ministry of Health, Suriname
  • (TBD) Ministry of Health, St. Kitts and Nevis
  • Amalia Del Riego , Chief of the Health Services and Unit, PAHO/WHO
  • Ernesto Báscolo, Advisor on Health Governance, Leadership, Policy and Planning, PAHO/WHO


Heatlh Systems, Health for All, Universal Health, EPFH.